Recently I due to well intended, yet misguided actions of another I have been unwittingly and unwillingly drawn into a futile argument filled with false accusations and untruths. This was first and only rebuttal to them:
"This is the first and last I will say in this group regarding this issue. My bio and my work is no secret and it is on the internet for all to see. One can choose to believe me or not. I am not out for a name or converts, I am simply doing what God has called me to do and what Eze Chukwuemeka-Eri asked me and commissioned me to do by researching and presenting that research which I am not a lone voice in this; Remy Ilona, Michael Caliben, Onwukwe Alaezi, Rabbi Gavriel Ogugua and many others hold the same views regarding the Igbo that I do and held them before I held them. I have nothing to gain or lose by doing so. True, people to read and follow my work but I have no formal students or followers. I may disagree with others regarding their belief about the Igbos and Israel, but I choose to agree to disagree agreeably. I neither promote nor endorse fighting or slander and in my work I call out no names. I simply present my findings and belief regarding those findings and occasionally present an opposing view with my rebuttal. I am not concerned with others views or research, I am simply doing what I know I am supposed to do and let others alone. Arguing and fighting is useless and senseless and in such there are no winners. There is no competition. Also, Eze Chukwuemeka-Eri is friend to both myself and Acholonu and is not taking sides in this issue for or against either of us. "
For this reason I recently added a disclaimer on the homepage that reads as such:
DISCLAIMER: Rabbi Yehudah, Igbo, Igbo Friends of Israel, and Abraham's Descendants International does not promote nor endorse slander in regards to other persons, ministries and or organizations who oppose or have a differing opinion and or belief regarding the origins of Ndi Igbo.
Please know I wish to have no part in any circular debates or smear campaigns, I only wish to present the facts and findings and allow the individual to decide for themselves.
- Rabbi Yehudah "Tochukwu" ben Shomeyr
"This is the first and last I will say in this group regarding this issue. My bio and my work is no secret and it is on the internet for all to see. One can choose to believe me or not. I am not out for a name or converts, I am simply doing what God has called me to do and what Eze Chukwuemeka-Eri asked me and commissioned me to do by researching and presenting that research which I am not a lone voice in this; Remy Ilona, Michael Caliben, Onwukwe Alaezi, Rabbi Gavriel Ogugua and many others hold the same views regarding the Igbo that I do and held them before I held them. I have nothing to gain or lose by doing so. True, people to read and follow my work but I have no formal students or followers. I may disagree with others regarding their belief about the Igbos and Israel, but I choose to agree to disagree agreeably. I neither promote nor endorse fighting or slander and in my work I call out no names. I simply present my findings and belief regarding those findings and occasionally present an opposing view with my rebuttal. I am not concerned with others views or research, I am simply doing what I know I am supposed to do and let others alone. Arguing and fighting is useless and senseless and in such there are no winners. There is no competition. Also, Eze Chukwuemeka-Eri is friend to both myself and Acholonu and is not taking sides in this issue for or against either of us. "
For this reason I recently added a disclaimer on the homepage that reads as such:
DISCLAIMER: Rabbi Yehudah, Igbo, Igbo Friends of Israel, and Abraham's Descendants International does not promote nor endorse slander in regards to other persons, ministries and or organizations who oppose or have a differing opinion and or belief regarding the origins of Ndi Igbo.
Please know I wish to have no part in any circular debates or smear campaigns, I only wish to present the facts and findings and allow the individual to decide for themselves.
- Rabbi Yehudah "Tochukwu" ben Shomeyr